Batch files Command line Windows For loops in Windows command line I’m working on a script on Windows to automatically install Python packages listed in a text file like pip does.
Distribution of wealth Economics Scientific method Distribution of wealth in a society of equals In this blog I usually write posts related to information technology, but I stumble upon this post on NoiseFromAmerika (an italian blog about politics and economics) and I was surprised about how a
Python String manipulation Multiple prefixes match I’m not using often string manipulation (I usually handle SQLAlchemy’s queries and sometime XML/XHTML manipulation with the lxml library) but sometimes I need to analyse some paths expressed with a dotted notation comparing
Asm C/c++ Gdb X86-64 Disassembly C code for fun – Part 5: if statement Time to disassembly the if..then conditional statement. I’ll say in this post will be not exciting like the previous ones (except when we’ll disassembly the optimised code) but the if..then block is one
Asm C/c++ Gdb Sse2 X86-64 Disassembly C code for fun – Part 4: floats and SSE2 Today we look at the disassembly of a functions involving floats and SSE2 instructions. As I stated in the first post Disassembly C code for fun: part 1 the C code is compiled