Cross-compile Python packages with Docker

Cross-compiling is the action of building a package or a binary for a different system than the current used for the compilation process; for example compiling ARM binaries on a x86 architecture. In this post I’m going to cross-compile Python packages for a specific Linux distribution using Docker as a virtualisation layer.


One day I found myself in need to install Python packages on a production’s server. The server in question didn’t have any compiler nor development packages installed so it wasn’t possible to install by pip packages like Scipy which requires to be compiled on installation; also there are no precompiled wheels for the specific platform as well.

The only solution was to replicate the server somewhere, compile the package into a .whl and deploy it into the target server. Using Docker simplifies this process by providing a deterministic environment and the ability to threat the Docker container as a command line binary.


To be able to follow this post the only requirement is to have Docker installed and running on your machine. I’m using Docker 1.10 but any version will do it.


Lets start from the Dockerfile, we need:

  • to base our machine on the same system we want to target
  • a compiler
  • a Python interpreter and its development packages
  • libraries linked by the Python’s package we are gongi to compile
  • a recent version of pip

Here all these requirements put together:

FROM mstormo/suse:11.4

# Updating the system

RUN zypper --non-interactive --gpg-auto-import-keys refresh
RUN zypper --non-interactive install git gcc-c++

# Install libs to build Numpy/Scipy/Pandas

RUN zypper --non-interactive install gcc-fortran
RUN zypper --non-interactive install blas lapack

# Installing Python

RUN zypper --non-interactive install python python-devel

# Set working dir

WORKDIR /usr/src

# Upgrade pip with wheel support

ADD <https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py> ./
RUN python ./get-pip.py

This is a classic Dockerfile from the book, the interesting part is at the end of it where we download and install the latest copy of pip straight from the official repository.

Before proceeding further lets test the build of our image:

$ docker build -t cross-compile .
.. some terminal output later ..
Successfully built d7f8b3f12d7c

Good, no errors, next step is to customise this image for cross-compile our packages.

Setup of the command-line

The ENTRYPOINT allows you to execute the container like a command like binary, in fact it allow us to pass arbitrary arguments to the container when executing docker run.

What we want is a container with can write the compiled package into our local directory and accept the package name and version as a parameter, here is how we are going to run our container:

$ docker run \
    --rm \
    -v ./target:/usr/src/target \
    cross-compile "package_name==x.y.z"

By decomposing this command we have:

  • --rm tells Docker to remove the container as soon as the process inside it exits, this will save disk space and live the container’s list clean from stopped instances of our image;
  • -v <local_path>:<remote_path> mounts the local_path as remote_path inside the container, it’s where our container will output the wheel package;
  • -w <working_dir sets the current working dir in the container
  • the last two arguments are the name of image and the name of the package to be compiled, the latter will be passed to the shell script defined by ENTRYPOINT;

We need now an entrypoint.sh, a shell script called by Docker during the instantiation of the container, which receive the package to be build as a first argument:

# !/bin/bash -e


pip wheel --wheel-dir=$WHEEL_DIR $@

Thi is a very simple which calls pip wheel which in turn will compile your package and generate the .whl file into WHEEL_DIR.

Now we update the Dockerfile by adding our entrypoint.sh (I’ll show just the extra lines):

# Define mount point and set it as working dir

VOLUME /usr/src/target
WORKDIR /usr/src/target

# Copy files

COPY ./entrypoint.sh /

# Start building process

ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]

That’s all, lets build again the image after this changes:

docker build -t cross-compile .

and try to build a simple .whl:

docker run --rm cross-compile pip==8.0.2

Done. We have now a pip-8.0.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl file in our target directory ready to be installed on the target server.

Wrapping up

We are come so far to have a nice image replicating our target environment plus a build environment and a container which builds Python’s wheels at runtime, however we still need to type a lot and we are lazy, what about simplify our process by wrapping the creation of the image and the execution of the container into a single shell script called crosscompile:

# !/bin/bash -e

cd $(dirname $0)

docker build -t cross-compile .
docker run --rm -v ./target:/usr/src/target cross-compile "$@"

Now lets test it again by compiling our original Python dependancy, scipy:

./crosscompile scipy==0.17.0

and after some time here we have the scipy-0.17.0-cp27-cp27mu-linux_x86_64.whl file ready for deploy.

And what about compiling multiple packages at once? Well, that’s already supported, just pass the list of packages to be build in order on the command line:

./crosscompile scipy==0.17.0 numpy==1.10.4


Thanks to Docker it’s possible to startup a very lightweight virtual environment which allow us to cross-compile a Python package regardless of the host environment. Also it allow us to expose a command line tool which can be easily integrated into CI scripts for automatic deployment.

All the code in this post is available on GitHub ready to be forked.