Parallel data processing

Developing an application or script which process data is a straight-forward pattern: data is collected, processed and the result is provided to be stored in a file or database. Those three blocks (collect, process, store) forms a pipeline and in the old days this pipeline is implemented in a series of synchronous function calls passing the data (or the pointer to the data) from one step to the next.

I’m talking about the old-days because this synchronous approach occupy only one core of the CPU but we usually have more than one core (2, 4 or even 8 cores on a single die) which means we will run or data processing application at only 50, 25 or 12.5 percent of the maximum computational power of our CPU.

However with asynchronous programming and the use of the multiprocessing package we can spread the load all over the available cores and increase the processing power and decreasing the time needed to finish the task.

A note about threads and process and Python

A little note beforehand: beacuse of the GIL the CPython threads cannot be executed in parallel so starting n number of threads will use always one core of the CPU (this is a side effect but it’s a rough rule of thumb).

To workaround to this limitation the multiprocessing starts multiple instance of the interpreter and execute the code in parallel circumventing the limitation of the GIL.

The application

To explain how to code an asynchronous multi-core data processor I will write a simple photo to thumbnail generator using a producer-consumer-sink pattern.

It will scan recursively a given folder, generates a thumbnail representation of any image found and write a list of generated thumbnails into a text file.

Step 1: The producer

The scope of the producer is to producer walk the content of the given folder recursively and generate a list of candidate files for the generation of the thumbnail:

def filename_producer(root_folder, out_queue, consumers):
    # Walk into all subfolders and output every file found
    for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(root_folder):
        for filename in filenames:
            # Build filename with absolute path
            filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, filename))
            filename = filename.decode("utf-8")

            # Put it nto the queue

    # Put a number of sentinels equal to the number of workers
    for i in xrange(consumers):

The function accepts the folder where to start the walk process, the output queue of the filenames and a number of consumers connected to the output queue.

The first loop just iterates recursively from the root folder pushing any file found into the output queue; the next loop push a number of sentinels equal to the number of consumers connected to the queue.

I’ll explain why we need to pass the number of consumers and why we need to push sentinels into the output queue later in this post.

Step 2: The consumer

The consumer fetch a filename and generate a thumbnail if the file is a known image format thus push the thumbnail’s filename into the sink’s queue:

def thumbnail_consumer(in_queue, out_queue, size, thumb_dir):
    # Create thumbnail directory if doesn.t exits
    if not os.path.exists(thumb_dir):

    while 1:
        # Fetch filename from queue
        filename = in_queue.get()

        # Skip if stop iteration
        if filename == StopIteration:

        # Try to load the file
            image = Image.open(filename)
        except IOError:

        logger.info("Processing file %s", os.path.split(filename)[1])

        # Create thumbnail of the file
        image.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)

        # Generate thumbnail's filename by the digest of the image
        digest = hashlib.sha256(image.tostring()).hexdigest()
        thumbnail = "{}.png".format(digest)

        # Save image as PNG
        image.save(os.path.join(thumb_dir, thumbnail), "PNG")

        # Push original filename and thumbnail
        out_queue.put((filename, thumbnail))

    # Send a iteration's stop

The while loop iterates infinitely fetching a new filename form the producer’s queue, generate and save the thumbnail using the hash of the thumbnail’s content as the filename and push the original and the thumbnail’s filenames into the sink’s queue.

If PIL fails to load the image (i.e. it’s not a known image format) continue to the next filename. However if the item fetched from the producer queue is a stop iteration sentinel exist the loop and push the sentinel into the sink’s queue.

Step 3: The sink

The last step saves the thumbnail filenames into a list in a text file:

def sink_consumer(in_queue, filename, workers):
    # Create folder if doesn't exists
    if os.path.exists(filename):

    with codecs.open(filename, "wb", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        # Cycle until the number of active workers is greater than 0
        while workers:
            # Fetch item from the queue
            result = in_queue.get()

            if result == StopIteration:
                # It's a stop iteration, decrement number of active workers
                workers -= 1
                # Unpack item and write the result into the file
                filename, hash_ = result

                f.write("{1}: {0}\n".format(filename, hash_))

The functions creates a new empty file and writes all the filenames received from the sink’s queue, decrementing the workers counter every time a sentinel value is received, exiting the loop when it reaches zero.

Wire them together

Time to wire all these functions together so the the data produced by exploring the folder will flow through the consumers and the result will be push into the sink.

At first we get the number of workers from the command line or, if no number is given, we use the number of cores detected by multiprocessing:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Save timestamp
    start = datetime.datetime.now()

    # Select number of workers
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        workers = int(sys.argv[2])
        workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count()

We create the two Queue objects to connect the producer to the consumers and the consumers to the sink.

    # Create queues
    producer_queue = Queue()
    sink_queue = Queue()

Start the producer, the consumers (stored into a list) and the sink by instances of Process.

    # Producer
    producer = Process(
        target=filename_producer, args=(sys.argv[1], producer_queue, workers))

    # Consumers
    consumers = []

    for i in xrange(workers):
        consumer = Process(
            args=(producer_queue, sink_queue, (200, 200), "thumbnails")

    sink = Process(
        target=sink_consumer, args=(sink_queue, "processed.txt", workers))

All the process are started, now we just need to wait for the sink to consume all the data flowing from the consumers (remember, the sink’s function exits when all the workers had finished which means the producer had finished of emitting filenames to be processed)

    # Join the sink consumer

    # Print elapsed time
    logger.info("Finished in %s", datetime.datetime.now() - start)

Why the sentinel

The sentinel value is necessary as a way to notify all the process that the producer had finished on generating data so e use a StopIteration exception object as an appropriate sentinel for a generator object as the producer.

We generate one sentinel for every worker otherwise the first worker which fetch the sentinel will stop but the other workers will wait indefinitely for new value from the producer queue.

The sink loop will decrease a worker’s counter every time a sentinel is fetch from the queue (which means a worker had finished) and exits the loop when the counter of the active workers reaches zero.


How fast the code can process thumbnails with different number of active workers?

I ran the code agains a folder of 188 pictures for a total of 540Mb on my MacBook Pro Core 2 Due 2.2GHz. I ran it a couple of time before recording timings to fill the OS cache so the execution time will be bound to sheer computational power completely excluding the disk I/O overhead.

Workers Time (s)
1 worker 2 cores 19
2 worker 2 cores 10
4 worker 2 cores 10
8 worker 2 cores 12

Unsurprisingly using 2 workers take half the time but increasing to 4 or 8 workers doesn’t make any difference and with 8 workers the execution time starts to increase.

Increasing the number of active workers to a number greater of the number of cores just increase the overhead of switching between workers on the same core reducing the performances.

Last note, in this example 4 processes are started on a CPU with only 2 physical cores but the execution time is bound only to the number of thumbnail generator workers because the producer and the sink doesn’t have a big impact on the CPU (they spend more time in disk I/O operations).

The code used in this post can be download here.